
Showing posts from November, 2020


Who is Michael Jordan ... WHO IS MİCHAEL JORDAN Michael Jeffrey Jordan 17 February 1963 is a retired American professional basketball player and a good businessman. According to the official website of the US professional basketball league NBA, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time.  Michael Jordan also became famous as one of the best defenders in basketball.  He won his first NBA championship in 1991.  Later, he won two more seasons, 92nd and 93rd championships, three times in a row with his team.  However, as the 93-94 season was about to begin, he suddenly stopped playing basketball in the NBA with the intention of continuing his baseball career.  He returned to the Bulls in the 1995-96 season and won the team three more NBA titles in 1996, 1997 and 1998.  During this period, the Chicago Bulls also had the highest winning rate in the 1995-96 season, winning 72 regular season matches.  In the 1998-99 season, Jordan left basketball again, but two seasons later


WHAT IS PRALIN HOW TO MAKE IT ..... Praline is a type of chocolate, it is a wonderful and delicious little size consisting of a mixture of at least 25% dark milk white chocolate or filled chocolate..  After seeing that the French king cooks an almond with sugar after treating the chef, the idea of ​​the praline appears in his head, after realizing that the taste and taste are perfect, the praline is born...  HOW TO MAKE PRALIN CHOCOLATE  First of all, chocolate tablets are melted, it can be dark milk or white chocolate, honey or coffee is added into it, it is mixed homogeneously, then walnuts or hazelnuts are mixed homogeneously by adding corn flakes if you wish...  It is poured into a tray with greaseproof paper and it is expected to cool and when it cools, the praline chocolate is ready, you will have to make an effort to shape it...  BON APPETIT •••


  How are noodles made ... Instant Noodle Pasta Ingredients  1 pack instant noodle pasta  2 glasses of water  Seasoning pepper and salt in the package  Salt  Instant Noodle Pasta Practical Recipe ...  We take 2 glasses of water in a pot and boil it. We add half a teaspoon of salt to the water.  Add a pack of noodle pasta to boiling water. We cook it for three minutes.  We take the cooked pasta from the stove and add the seasoning in the package.  Pepper lovers can add.  Can add pain lovers.  You can either filter or you can filter. If you wish, vegetable noodle lovers, you can add it to the vegetable sauce you will prepare in a pan during service. BON APPETIT ....


            WHAT İS A WHİRPOOL ... Whirlpool (Whirlpool Bath):       Whirlpool is the local baths that are made with the contact of arm, hand, leg and foot in the water which is circulated rapidly.  The treatment utilizes the stimulating effect of heat and water and its hydrostatic saturation. BENEFITS ... It reduces eyebrow spasm and reduces joint pain. It creates a sedative and analgesic effect by creating a mechanical effect on the skin. It eliminates the effects of fractures and injuries, softens the tissues. It cleans wounds and accelerates healing. Thanks to the effective method, it cleans dead tissues and inflammation.


 WHAT İS PLAGİARİSM .... Plagiarism is one of the most frequently asked questions recently ...  Plagiarism should be cited in quotation marks in the publication of the source and information used or in the case of a thesis subject. Plagiarism is a crime and a serious theft, as well as a disgraceful crime list.  In addition, widely used information is not plagiarism.  For example, the second world war ended in 1945, it does not constitute a crime because it is common information.


 Who Was Mother Teresa ...    The nun teresa was the founder of an order of charity missionary, made up of Roman Catholic women devoted to helping her do good to people. She was of Albanian origin, who was of Albanian origin, was born in Macedonia. She was the pioneer of many aid centers for the elderly for the disabled.Teresa struggled with heart lung kidneys and various diseases in the last period of her life. Mother Teresa died on September 5, 1997 at the age of 87. . Sister teresa was a person distinguished by her benevolence and benevolence, attracting greater attention of humanity after her death, and as an icon, she has always kept her place in the hearts of languages, despite the enormous scale of her philanthropic activities and the millions of lives she touched, until the day of her death she only had the most modest understanding of her achievements. Mother Teresa, who summarizes her life in a characteristically self-concealing style, I am Albanian. I am an Indian by citizen


WHO IS CENGIZ HAN ...           Famous Mongolian ruler Genghis Khan's real name is timuçin. He was born in 1155 and died in 1227. He held a great congress before death and determined the Turkish customs and the main law, the first constitutional book with its current name, was written, Before his death, the empire was divided into many branches, he had 4 sons, the youngest Tuluy replaced him by law. Genghis Khan is a great emperor and commander who lived for 72 years and remained as an inn for 25 years. Genghis Khan is a legendary emperor with many features throughout history, but the most talked about part is Genghis Khan's laws. MEŞHUR CENGİZ KAN LAWS ... One god is the creator of the universe. A person who is not descended from Genghis Khan's male lineage cannot be declared a khan, and those who are male can also be declared a khan with the decision of the congress. Peace cannot be signed after the enemy has not surrendered. The army will be in the form of soldiers of on