
Showing posts with the label Instant Noodle Pasta Ingredients


  How are noodles made ... Instant Noodle Pasta Ingredients  1 pack instant noodle pasta  2 glasses of water  Seasoning pepper and salt in the package  Salt  Instant Noodle Pasta Practical Recipe ...  We take 2 glasses of water in a pot and boil it. We add half a teaspoon of salt to the water.  Add a pack of noodle pasta to boiling water. We cook it for three minutes.  We take the cooked pasta from the stove and add the seasoning in the package.  Pepper lovers can add.  Can add pain lovers.  You can either filter or you can filter. If you wish, vegetable noodle lovers, you can add it to the vegetable sauce you will prepare in a pan during service. BON APPETIT ....